Saturday 23 January 2010

Benalmádena Cultural Events - January till March 2010

This is a PDF brochure with the Cultural Events in Benalmádena taking place in January, February and March 2010. It's published by the local Town Hall, feel free to download it here - It's in Spanish though ;)
There will be a brochure for Carnaval too, but we haven't found the one for 2010 yet...

Sunday 17 January 2010

Fiesta de San Anton in Benalmádena Pueblo: La fiesta de los Animales

This Fiesta de San Anton ("patron de los animales") originally was scheduled to take place in "Parque Rustico Finca Casablanca", but due to all those rainy days we had before, it was moved to the Plaza del Alguacil in Benalmádena Pueblo.

The festivities began with performances of local musicians and singers. Subsequently the animals could be blessed on the day of the Feast of San Antonio Abad patron saint of animals (and the gravediggers).

Hundreds of people gathered with their pets so that they could receive the blessing of Pastor D. Antonio Garcia Lords. Our local mayor D. Enrique Moya also came with his little Yorkshire to receive blessing.

The major of Benalmádena Pueblo:

Thursday 14 January 2010

Cooking, Heating & Hot Water using Butano Gas Bottles

Most of the properties here in Spain still rely on replacement Butano gas bottles for cooking, heating and water heating. If you run out of these orange heavy gas bottles during the weekend you could be left without hot water, heating or cooking facilities until another bottle can be delivered from the depot on a weekday.
Many families still rely on the Butano lorry passing by once a week to replace the empty gas bottle with a full one, but there many petrol stations in and around towns and villages in Andalucia, as well as some rare butano retailers are selling those gas bottles too.

We have a butano gas bottle in the kitchen for cooking, and another one on the balcony for the water heater.
Every Tuesday the Butano lorry is passing by, and if we need a replacement bottle we have to place our empty bottle in front of the entrance door, so that the Repsol man will ring our door bell to bring and to sell a new one.

For us each of the 25 kg bottles usually is good for about 2-3 weeks. We just bought a new one 2 days ago from the "Butano man". The current price per bottle is 11.30 euros.


Tuesday 5 January 2010

Three Kings Parade in Benalmadena Pueblo

Traditionally the Spanish celebrate the giving of presents on the 6th of January. Children put out their shoes to receive thier presents from the 3 Kings.

On the afternoon of the 5th January Benalmadena Pueblo had his Three Kings Parade to celebrate. Sweets were thrown to the kids from colourful floats. A highly memorable event, not only for the children.
The Parade began with a little delay, and just in time it started to rain! But luckily not for long, and so anybody enjoyed the parade and the afternoon.

Andalucia experienced many, many rainy days in December, but WE have luck, our apartment is dry... No water comes through the windows, through the doors or through the walls ;)

Some impressions of the beautiful parade:

Three Kings Parade - Part II

Some more photos of the Parade:



Sunday 3 January 2010

Christmas Decoration in Benalmadena Pueblo

Almost to late, today we made some nice photos of the Christmas Decoration in town. This is how beautiful Benalmadena Pueblo looks during the Christmas Season: