Sunday 17 January 2010

Fiesta de San Anton in Benalmádena Pueblo: La fiesta de los Animales

This Fiesta de San Anton ("patron de los animales") originally was scheduled to take place in "Parque Rustico Finca Casablanca", but due to all those rainy days we had before, it was moved to the Plaza del Alguacil in Benalmádena Pueblo.

The festivities began with performances of local musicians and singers. Subsequently the animals could be blessed on the day of the Feast of San Antonio Abad patron saint of animals (and the gravediggers).

Hundreds of people gathered with their pets so that they could receive the blessing of Pastor D. Antonio Garcia Lords. Our local mayor D. Enrique Moya also came with his little Yorkshire to receive blessing.

The major of Benalmádena Pueblo:

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